
Forest Friends OUtdoor Preschool program

Forest Friends is a Waldorf-inspired nature-connection preschool program where young children are bathed in rich cultural experiences that are interwoven with the enchantments of the natural world.  Forest Friends is now offering its preschool program in open space lands near Fairfax. 

In this program, children spend their days outside, connecting deeply with the magic and wonder of the natural world in garden, field, and forest.  Our weekly rhythm includes circle, stories, songs, rhythm activities, crafting, imaginative, cooperative games, and of course, lots of free play in nature.   


Our Day

Arrival—Wash Hands, Game/Activity

Morning Circle—Songs, Poems, Circle Games

Exploration/Joyful Journey to Playsite

Snack and Sharing

Free Play in the Forest +Crafting

Lunch and Story

Journey Back and Closing Song



In the Forest Friends preschool program children:

*experience daily and weekly rhythms that help them settle into the natural unfolding of their optimal development. 

*spend ample time in forest, field, and garden--with abundant opportunities to play, move, explore, experiment, discover, and delight in the world

*relax into a safe cultural container, where expectations are clear and emotional and social guidance is offered by teachers

*grow their will and their joy in good work, through crafting, tending the land, and supporting the work of the community

*build a strong foundation of oral literacy and brain development through listening to and enacting stories, singing songs, and reciting poetry with movements

*develop fine motor skills and creative capacity through painting, coloring, crafting, and experimenting in nature

*develop gross motor skills, coordination, and brain connections, through running, jumping, climbing, balancing, and exploring

*become friends with many plants and animals, tuning in deeply to the local ecology

*discover and celebrate the change of seasons

*become part of a human community that shares both laughter and tenderness, delight and moments of reverence

Forest Friends students also have exposure to foreign languages (Spanish and Portuguese, possibly others as well). 




Social & Emotional Learning

Forest Friends students are supported by teachers and environments that nurture their holistic, balanced development as human beings.  Children are gently guided toward embodied presence, and begin to learn to identify and express feelings and needs in age-appropriate ways. They are immersed in cultural practices that begin to nurture and draw forth the capacities for empathy, integrity, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, self-care, and love.  Teachers model behavior that is truly worthy of imitation.   





Harmony With the Seasons

Our stories, circles, and hand-crafts change as the seasons change.  For instance, we may be inspired by Squirrel to collect and grind acorns into flour in the autumn, respond naturally to Brother Rain by building shelters in the winter, or imitate Robin by making nests in the spring. 




The program includes 3-4 seasonal celebrations for the whole family, a birthday honoring ceremony for each child, and educational parent evenings once a month (one parent required).